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Clarence Sealy
Clarence Sealy was born in 1937 on the “old side” of Panama City to parents of Jamaican and Barbadian origins. Trained at Georgia Military College, he had an extensive career as a customs agent in the US Army, and lived in the States for many years before returning to Panama after his retirement. Sealy is very proud of his West Indian heritage, and one of his fondest memories is a trip he took to Jamaica a few years ago. The people there welcomed him like family, and this was a powerful and healing experience for him. Because of this experience, Mr. Sealy feels that it is very important for young people to “know their heritage.” Married to a woman of “Latin derived” origins for nearly fifty years, he and his wife have five children who are proud Panamanians and, although they are living in the States, they would love to return home someday. Sealy loves Jamaican food (particularly ackee and codfish), and is a great fan of Mighty Sparrow, even though his grandmother forbade him to listen to calypso (which she called “rough people music”) when he was a child.