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Idania Dowman
Idania Dowman was born in 1967 and grew up in a communal home. After attending an elementary school with excellent teachers, Idania would go on to the Universidad Nacional. After her fourth year of nursing school, however, she would change careers to earn a diploma in International Service. Happily single, Idania is the mother of one daughter, Mia, and she actively participates in both her parish and in her community. With one set of grandparents from Bocas del Toro and another set of grandparents of Indio-Colombian descent, Idania considers herself to be something between black and Latina, and she believes that all of Panama’s diverse cultures need to be preserved. Idania also feels that Panama’s younger generations need to be themselves without feeling the need to imitate what they see around them, and she recognizes the responsibility of older generations in bringing about a change.
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